OH MY LEMONS! This has got to be one of my favorites!!!! ( WARNING: I can guarantee this won't be the first time I'll say that).
How many people do you know always seem to be doubting their capabilities/skills/talents?! I can for sure name a few. Now, would you admit that you even doubt yourself from time to time? Guilty as well.
There are so many things I want to do in this life, but never seem to push myself to go to the first step! Countless times I have written " TO DO LISTS" and taped them to my phone before I go to bed so that in the next morning it is the first thing I see. Yet, you will soon come to realize, I am not a morning person. Anything that stands in the way of me turning off the alarm on my phone ends up crumpled and thrown across the room. Anyways, I hardly ever find myself actually driving to the gym, turning on the hose to wash my truck, or to start to organize my desk. But, it feels, like that has already started to change.
Yesterday was a big day for me. I went to my first Zumba fitness class, that I have put off since I first heard about it a year ago, and I loved it! I pushed myself to keep up with the instructor even when my legs were ready to quit. After the session, I felt this feeling that I have not felt in a very long time. For the past two years, well, every since I started college, It felt like I have been carrying everyone's problems. I was doing favors, whole heartedly, but it was starting to weigh me down. For the longest time, I would feel guilty to say "no" to a favor that anyone would ask me. I didn't really expect anything in return and unfortunately, they caught onto that. GOD FORBID I'd actually say no to a request! So, for the past few years, I concentrated on to make everyone happy and the rest of my energy on school. I AM EXHAUSTED! It has been awhile since I have done something for myself that was not school related.
After my workout, I went to Target and bought two large storage boxes. Once I finally arrived home, I opened the door of my room, pushed my earphones in, pressed play, then, without hesitation, started filling up the boxes with all the trinkets, books, grade school trophies, small gifts, and a bunch of other things that I have kept along the years. I decided it was time to completely and utterly change my entire room! No more old teenage girl furniture with pink flowers painted around the corners! No more piles and piles of abandoned stuff animals, notebooks, and childhood books! Even my collection of Pirates of the Caribbean booty! ( They were put in a very special box, by the way.) I figured it was time to change the one place that I spend most of my time when I am at home. I have to be welcomed to something that is going to reflect my new and improved mentality and maturity. It is quite liberating!
I was getting restless, but I started to imagine the new colors of my walls and just less of everything that I held on to for so long. I need to free my mind and especially erase the bad times I spent crying and negative emotions created in my room. I was so proud at the moment I snapped the lids onto the plastic boxes. I can almost see the new atmosphere I was about to create FOR myself. I finally was capable of saying goodbye to the junk that only represented a fraction of what I was about, the child inside of me.
What are my plans for my new room? MANY! But most of all, I plan to buy myself an easel and finally paint, dammit!

SO, what are you going to prove to yourself today? Even if its the smallest thing, it makes the biggest difference. It is one step to another. You only have a limited time on this earth and it is your right to live it the way you only seen in your dreams. Get up and do it. Only you have the power to say "GO." Like my good friend, Estee,always says, " Ready, 1 , 2 , 3 BREAK!" Don't live your days "wishfully thinking." You will be where you are meant to be.
The rewards are endless. The best feeling you can ever imagine is closer to you than you think. Being proud of YOURSELF every time you reach a personal goal, is the the rarest feeling that no one can ever make or take from you.
Until next time,
Andreina :]
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