I have gone through tough trials in which I could have easily fallen out of my faith. Yet, faith is one of the main reasons why I still stand. You see, I know many would say that it really relies on you and the person that you are to overcome, which I agree, but I have experienced the reliance I have made on the Lord and how his everlasting mercy has filled me. Without my love for the Lord, I would not be me. I would not FEEL myself.
Life can throw you so many obstacles and it seems like every one of them are unfair and hard. BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE. It is so easy to turn away from something you truly believe in, because well, lets face it, why would God put us through so much pain and suffering? BUT, I feel, that overcoming the challenges of life with hope in God is much stronger than anger, hurt, abandonment, doubt, and fear.
With that said, I always find myself praying…well, more like pleading him. Especially the past two months. I begged God to not take away what was the “love of my life” from me and now I am begging him to take my pain away…but I have realized that is not prayer.
So, I came up with this. I will now pray to God, the way I believe I should have been a long time ago. To be thankful. To realize the positives and put them in prayers. That is what is most important and with doing that, I will find comfort, love, and healing.
I welcome all of you to read my postings that I will label “Thank-You God...” I have never been so public about my most personal prayers, but I feel like I need to do this in order to help myself. It is never to mock or “shove” it in the faces of those who are not religious. Take them as you will. It is still me, my words, and my aspirations.
Until next time,
Andreina :]
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