I am absolutely in love with this quote. Simple and to the point. I got this quote from a youtuber that I am subscribed to, Gloria. She is insanely hilarious and a real sweetheart. She has been on "Lopez Tonight" and really well known on youtube. Check her out!
Anyways, this quote has a special meaning to me only because it was Teresa that told me about it. She said that when she heard it that it reminded her of me. That is the biggest compliment I have ever received. It really is a wonderful feeling when people can say such nice things about you, especially when it comes from the mouths from our closest friends, like my bestie for life.
I know for a fact, that I have been fighting to keep THAT image of myself to remain presentable. You know, bubbly, smiley, and positive! Yet, I believe the hardest thing to ever do is to surrender to your true feelings sometimes. You can ask anyone and they will tell you it is rare to ever see me upset. I will admit this, no one has ever seen me angry. Sure, frustrated, stress, overwhelmed, and serious, but never angry. Come to think of it, I haven't even seen myself angry. Is that weird or what? Sure, I have had the spine crawling, blood boiling, tear jerking feeling...but that is it. I do not act upon it. I do not do anything about it. I do not ever remember being furiously angry and there has been ample opportunities that have been perfect to be! Sure, I have been mad, but even that blows over quick. I believe it is because I have never ALLOWED myself to be angry. I have never LET myself express it. I have conditioned myself to automatically attack the emotions and smoosh them to a small corner in my mind, and it stays there. BUT, I feel it overflowing. Everything is ready to explode and I am scared. I am terrified. So, this is exactly why, I have enrolled myself in kickboxing. I purposely think of all the wrong that has been done unto me. I go over the events of my recent dismay, quietly and patiently. Once I arrive to the gym and I finally find myself in front of the bag, I am there. It is just me and the bag. No instructor, no other people in the class are taken into consideration. They are all blurred out and I go at it. I know this way it is healthier and beneficial on all aspects. My body is getting the workout of its life. I am so relived after the hour and I forget the state I came in the first place. I feel good and I am looking good MMM-HMMMM!
So, this quote has been imprinted on me. As much as I say how much anger I have inside me, it never stops me from smiling.
There is so much wrong that can happen or has happened in our life, but why do we allow ourselves to simply just give up? Even if its just for those few moments? I remember the times I have been weak and not myself, stronger than others, and that is because they were painful. Why create those memories when we have the ability to demolish them or prevent them? I understand, you must allow yourself to grieve and give yourself time, but don't you think smiling over something that makes you happy, no matter how small, is much better??? Why wallow over something that eventually will not matter?! And why overlook the power of a smile?! Either it be from a stranger or a friend!
I was taking this psychology course a few semesters ago and my professor mentioned this one technique. If you bite onto something, like a pencil. your muscles will force themselves to form a smile. So, if you are physically smiling then eventually, you will connect your mind to remember good thoughts when you have smiled and then, BOOM BAM, be happy! Interesting, right?
I guess, what I am really trying to say, is smiling, even at the most inappropriate and difficult moments, can take such a strong turn to a path much healthier and beneficial( even if you have to bite down a pencil!). Today, for example, I had a VERY bad day. But, my niece and whole world, Kimmy, made me laugh. It was my first time in the day that I was smiling and I forgot why I was crying for those few moments, and those moments were much stronger than the moments I spent wallowing and grieving. She was my sunshine today, just like every day.
Happiness is contagious! If you let that overpower you, you are unstoppable! It isn't a fantasy life! It isn't impossible! The smallest thing, like smiling, can make such an impact on yourself and the people around you! It isn't running away from your problems or not dealing with them. if anything, you are unconsciously demolishing them because moments that make you not feel like yourself, such as hurt, should never define you or take control of you. Do not disect the simplicity of a genuine smile.
Create your own silver lining and you will stand out!

Until next time,
Andreina :]
Smile and the whole world will smile back at you:)